Rewriting How I Launch My New Workshop: Rewrite What Doesn’t Fit For You

My friend said that she was excited to see how I launch my new workshop and I froze because I just have the thing. I don’t have a plan for the launching of the thing

So I went back to some files I used last year to launch a few things that I would say were rather unsuccessful. I didn’t sell much if any at all, and it always felt… I don’t know, ‘wrong’ somehow. The plan just was not right for me. 

My word for 2021, is rewrite. So I took a look at my previous launch plans to see what didn’t feel right, what didn’t work, what did work, and what I could rewrite so it would go better this time.  

The first ‘rule’ I began rewriting is one of my biggest pet peeves around the launching of programs I desire to join (looking at things from a buyer’s perspective here). It’s how the first couple days the price is super low, then a few days later, it begins to increase. I’ve joined programs before the increase, and after the increase, and even tried this in my own launches. But it drives me crazy. In the end, I spend way more than those paying once, and it almost always ends up being the day before I get paid that the price increases. There is also the matter of how often times it seems like if you choose to make payments, you end up paying a significant amount more.

You can say a million things about how it’s my energy, my frequency, that I’m not motivated enough to join, that if I really wanted it I’d find the money, etc. But I say that is a privilege in most cases, to believe that the money will appear every time you want it.

I wish I could remember who it was, (someone in the personal finance industry I believe), who said something along the lines that when you make the payments total more than the single payment, you’re punishing them for being financially responsible and making the payments they can afford. I couldn’t agree more. I don’t want to punish people for making payments. Of course, you could say that you’re rewarding people for moving quicker or making one payment. But why? Do you have a good reason here?

Why do clients have to make a snap decision, or spend all of their money and struggle to the next paycheck? Why does one have to decide between continuing growth and paying your bills on time? Because this is the reality in many cases when people are encouraged to purchase something beyond their means. To take the leap, make the investment and see the reward before it arrives. I have

Some people are designed to make a snap decision and go with their gut in an instant. In this case, they get to save some money. Cool. Other people are designed to sleep on it or talk with people about it for a few days. To let it sink in and see how it fits. I don’t like to increase prices just because someone takes a few days longer to decide. Obviously, for an event, they may need to decide before the workshop date, but if that’s not for 2 weeks, then why must they decide by tomorrow to save money? 

What I do believe in is rewarding people who helped me on the project or people who are my returning customers who support me in all that I do, and keep showing up. I want to say thank you for that. So one way I can do that is by offering discounts or personalized shopping events. (ideas for later in the year, which I’m excited about!) 

I am more interested in what you get from the workshop, in the number of people who I’m able to help, the quality of the content – than I am in how quickly people show up, or whether you pay once or many times. So from now on, anything I launch will be simple. Make one payment, or divide that into a number of payments, no additional costs. No price increases every couple of days, or weeks. And if you show up multiple times, expect rewards and thank you’s.

How will you share your next launch?