The Artwork of 2021


The theme of 2021 was art for me. It was to get back to my art and spend more time doing that than doing the busywork that can come along with business sometimes. It took its ups and downs, and at one point I even thought, “I’ve done less art this year than last year.” Until I actually took a look back over the course of the year. I actually produced a ton of work, between digital and traditional medias.

If I change anything next year, it will be to balance out the two, so I get some more traditional medias in, but all together I’m really happy with what I’ve produced this year. I love the progress I’ve made and the stories I’ve written as I’ve painted and drawn. Moving into 2022, I’m learning some new skills to uplevel my art and design skills. Next one if these art reviews will be huge! 

Let’s go back in time and walk through all the art I’ve created this year. I shared this video that includes a majority of my finished works. 


There was a lot here and even more that I wasn’t able to add. It was a good year for digital art. Looking forward to seeing what the next year has in store for 2022!